From the academic year of 2008, Department of Safety, Health and Environmental engineering (SHE) was developed by integration of 2 departments of Environmental Engineering and Industrial Safety and Health as well as 2 master’s programs of Environmental Engineering and Occupational Safety and Disaster Prevention with 1 in-service master’s program of Environmental Engineering for part-time students. The objective of Department of SHE development was to train the students to fulfill the requirement of professional capabilities both for environmental protection and public security in the traditional and high-tech industries by focusing on industrial safety, cleaner production, pollution prevention and control in industrial manufacturing technology as the departmental characteristics. | ![]() |
Additionally, the green technology-related courses were also incorporated in teaching and research by the trend of sustainable development of domestic and international industries such as clean production, resources recycling, energy conservation and carbon reduction of green manufacturing. The department curriculums were 3 programs such as environmental engineering, safety and health, green technology which covered core courses and the other elective courses for the student interests, licensing exams and job career to cultivate our students to be the qualified professionals.
Due to the national development trends and industry demand, the cultivated goal of department of SHE was to train our students to be professional and technical engineers in the field of environmental engineering and pollution control, occupational safety and health, green technology with green energy and carbon reduction.
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The Department’s teaching features
1.The courses are fitting the trend of industry development and demand.
The versatile courses are developed such as green energy technology, clean production, carbon footprint and carbon inventory, monitoring and control of environmental pollution, environmental management, occupational safety and health management, emergency response and risk assessment, etc.
2. The teaching focuses on practice and application.
Meeting the technical education target and characteristics, the courses emphasize multi practical design including the lab, internship and term project to cultivate the practical ability and experience for our students.
3.The excellent learning environment and facilities.
There are plenty spaces of teaching and research which provides the bountiful high quality precise instruments and green energy equipment.
4.Professional license coaching.
The professors coach students to enhance the competitiveness on careers for obtaining the professional licenses such as environmental protection, occupational safety and health, energy and carbon management, etc.
5.The international certification IEET.
The department has obtained the engineering and technology education certification of IEET that the graduation degrees are subject to international recognition under the agreement of Washington Accord.
6.Variety employment selections.
There are multi professional fields such as (1)governmental agencies such as environmental protection agency of national and local governments, the labor inspections; (2) sector of environmental engineering, occupational safety and health management of public and private institutions; (3)environmental engineering consultants; (4)environmental monitoring and analysis; (5)occupational safety and health management; (6)green energy technology industries, etc.